What are the advantages of the application of crushing waste plastic shredding machine
time:2022-07-18Number of page views:617

With the development of environmental protection means, waste plastic treatment technology requirements are more and more high, especially the treatment method requirements are very strict, the advantage of the waste plastic shredding machine design is to adapt to a variety of hard plastic or soft plastic broken, generally on the market scrap plastic shredding machine broken into pieces or pieces. According to the working mode is mainly divided into two types, single-axis plastic shredding machine is through the rotation of the single-axis to drive the cutting tool materials will be slowly shredding materials, suitable for small and medium volume of high hardness materials, energy consumption is much lower than the two-axis shredding machine, and the finished products are slightly smaller after shredding;


Biaxial plastic shredding machine is through two knife rollers tear each other, extrusion, shearing and other effects will be material shredded into small pieces, suitable for coarse crushing various industries of large objects, with low speed, high torque, high efficiency and other characteristics, and the body is relatively larger than the single-axis shredding machine, the material after shredding is relatively large, energy consumption is higher than the single-axis shredding machine.